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发布日期:2013年09月27日 12:01 来源: 浏览数:








1. 主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目《支链氨基酸通过mTOR途径调控荷斯坦青年牛胰腺发育和胰酶表达的机理》。资助经费:21万元。项目期限:2011.01-2013.12。排名第1位; 

2. 负责国家农村领域科技计划专题《奶牛饲料原料供求均衡性研究》。资助经费:15万元。项目期限:2013.01-2014.12。排名第1位。 

3. 负责国家奶牛产业技术体系研究专题《奶牛常用饲料原料营养价值评定》。资助经费:8万元。项目期限:2013.01-2014.12。排名第1位。 



Xu M., D. X. Lu. 2013. An optimized technique system for diet formulation in dairy cows. Proceedings of Third International Symposium on Dairy Cow Nutrition and Milk Quality. 220-225

Yu Z. P.,M. Xu,J. H. Yao, K. Liu, F. Li, F. Wang, F. F. Sun and N. N. Liu. 2013. Regulation of pancreatic exocrine secretion in goats: differential effects of short- and long-term duodenal phenylalanine treatment. J. Anim. Phy. Anim. Nutr. DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0396.2012.01276.x (SCI收录;第2作者,影响因子1.229).

Yu Z. P.,M. Xu,K. Liu, J. H. Yao, H.X.Yu, and F. F. Sun. 2013. Leucine markedly regulates pancreatic exocrine secretion in goats. J. Anim. Phy. Anim. Nutr. (Accepted; SCI收录;第2作者,影响因子1.229).

Yu Z. P.,M. Xu,F. Wang, K. Liu, J. H. Yao, D.Q. Qing and F. F. Sun. Effect of duodenal infusion of leucine and phenylalanine on intestinal enzyme activities and starch digestibility in goats. Livestock Science. (Accepted; SCI收录;第2作者,影响因子1.410).

Xu M., J. H. Yao, K. N. Wang, D. L. Meng, D. Y. Luo, X. B. Wu, and A. G. Zhou. 2011. A 3H-leucine single injection method for determining endogenous amino acid losses of poultry. Nutrition 27:829-832 (SCI收录;第1作者;影响因子3.025).

Zhao X. H., T Zhang,M. Xu, J. H. Yao. 2011. Effects of physically effective fiber on chewing activity, ruminal fermentation, and nutrient digestibility in goats. Journal of Animal Science. jas.2010-3013v1-20103013 (SCI收录;第3作者;影响因子2.47).

Xu M., M. Rinker, K. R. McLoed, and D. L. Harmon. 2010. Yucca schidigera extract decreases in vitro methane production in a variety of forages and diets. Animal Feed Science and Technology 159:18-26. (SCI收录;第1作者;影响因子1.720).

Xu M., S. Du, J. Wang, Z. P. Yu, D. L. Harmon, and J. H. Yao. 2009. Influence of rumen escape starch on pancreatic exocrine secretion of goats. J. Anim. Phy. Anim. Nutr. 93:122-129 (SCI收录;第1作者;影响因子1.229).

Xu M., Y. Dong, S. Du, Y. S. Hao, F. N. Wang, and J. H. Yao. 2009. Influence of corn particle size on gastrointestinal mornopoly and digesta pH in growing goats. Livestock Science 123:34-37(SCI收录;第1作者;影响因子1.410).

Wang Y. H.,M. Xu, F. N. Wang, and J. H. Yao. 2009. Influence of dietary starch on gastrointestinal mornopoly in lambs. Livestock science 122:48-52 (SCI收录;同为第1作者;影响因子1.410)

Xu M., F. N. Wang, J. Wang, S. Du, Y. H. Wang and J. H. Yao. 2007. Influence of forage type on feed intake, chewing activity and rumen pH in goats. J. Anim. Feed Sci. 16(S2):296-301 (SCI收录;第1作者;影响因子0.305).

Xu M., J. H. Yao, Y. H. Wang, and F. N. Wang. 2006. Influence of rumen escape starch on α-amylase activity in pancreatic tissue and small intestinal digesta of lambs. Asian-Australian Journal of Animal Science 19:1749-1754 (SCI收录;第1作者;影响因子0.857).

高洋,徐明, 刘南南, 赵向辉, 刘婵娟, 姚军虎. 2011. 黑麦草酸性洗涤木质素/中性洗涤纤维、长度对山羊采食行为及瘤胃液Phhe 纤维素酶活性的影响. 动物营养学报, 23(7):1130-1139 (第2作者).

姚军虎,徐明, 杜莎. 2008. 反刍动物碳水化合物的营养调控. 2008动物营养研究进展.

徐明,姚军虎. 2005. 泌乳牛葡萄糖营养研究进展. 动物营养学报(3):1-6










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